Upcoming Events


Scientific Programs

Date Scientific Program
March 4 - 15 The Future of Fundamental Composite Dynamics: Colliders, Cosmology and Tools
June 10 - 21 Theory Facing Experiment on the Dark Matter and Flavor Puzzles
July 8 - 19 Energy Correlators at the Collider Frontier
August 5 - 16 Effective Theories for Nonperturbative Physics
August 26 - September 13 The Dark Matter Landscape: From Feeble to Strong Interactions
October 21 - 31 Next Generation Perturbative QCD for Hadron Structure: Preparing for the Electron-Ion Collider
November 4 - 15 Open Questions and Future Directions in Flavour Physics

 Topical Workshops

Date Topical Workshop
May 13 - 17 Modular Invariance Approach to the Lepton and Quark Flavour Problems: from Bottom-up to Top-down
June 3 - 7 The Evaluation of the Leading Hadronic Contribution to the Muon g-2: Consolidation of the MUonE Experiment and Recent Developments in Low-Energy e+ e- Data
June 17 - 21 Geometry and Symmetries of SCFTs
June 24 - 28 Uncertainty Quantification in Nuclear Physics
July 22 - 26 Isospin-Breaking Effects on Precision Observables in Lattice QCD
September 16 - 20 Towards the Detection of Diffuse Supernova Neutrinos: What Will We See? What Can We Learn?
September 22 - 27 Electroweak Physics Intersections

Summer Schools

Date Topical Workshop
July 15 - August 2 Crosslinks of Early Universe Cosmology


Scientific Programs

Date Scientific Program
March 17 - 28 The Arithmetic of Calabi–Yau Manifolds
May 12 - 23 Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions in the Standard Model
and Beyond
June 2 - 13 Factorization and Evolution in Full Color
June 30 - July 11 Quantum Sensing Meets Ultra-high Frequency Gravitational Waves
July 14 - August 1 Windows into New Physics in the Sky
August 4 - 15 New Ways to Discover Light New Physics
September 8 - 19 From the Cosmos to the Lab: Novel Links and Strategies
October 6 - 17 Particle Physics Phenomenology after the Higgs Discovery

 Topical Workshops

Date Topical Workshop
January 27 - 31 SMEFT – Tools
June 16 - 20 Flavour for New Physics at Present and Future Colliders
September 22 - 26 MathemAmplitudes: Co-homology and Combinatorics of
GKZ systems, Euler-Mellin-Feynman Integrals, and Scattering Amplitudes
October 27 - 31 Precision Determinations of the Fine-Structure Constant

Summer Schools

Date Topical Workshop
May 26 - 31 Joint MITP / ICTP School
July 21 - August 1 Frontiers and Challenges in Lattice Gauge Theory