Organizers: Timur Isaev (PNPI NRCKI, St. Petersburg), Mikhail Kozlov (PNPI NRCKI, St. Petersburg), Anna Vyatkina (JGU / Equal Opportunities Officer) and Dmitry Budker (JGU Mainz)
November 26 - 30, 2018, JGU Campus Mainz
The application is open until September 5, 2018.
Recently a remarkable progress has been achieved in control over both internal (electronic, vibrational, spin and rotational) and external (translational) degrees of freedom for a wide range of molecules. In particular, direct laser and optoelectric cooling of polyatomic molecules has been successfully demonstrated. This opens a way for much higher precision in measuring tiny effects in molecular spectra connected with possible new physical forces, including exotic spin-dependent interactions, parity (P) and time-reversal invariance (T) violating interactions among others. In this connection, considerable interest would present, for example, identification of closed-shell and also chiral laser-coolable molecules/ions. On the other hand, consideration of P- and P,T-odd effects for classes of molecules that were already successfully cooled and trapped is of great interest. The workshop aims to bring together experimentalists and theorists working both on molecular control and cooling of molecules and ions and on the effects connected with new physical forces in these systems. The expected impact will likely include new proposals to search for the electron’s electric dipole moment, nuclear anapole and Schiff moments, search for axion-like dark matter and other experiments using precisely controlled molecules. The workshop will also offer an opportunity to review the new directions in molecular cooling and control, as well as achievements in laser and NMR techniques.