...networking starts here!
MITP presents its new format: MITP Youngst@rs.
The format is especially created for young physicists at the beginning of their careers and offers all students and postdocs the possibility to organize a short virtual workshops (up to 5 days).
How does it work?
YOU are a young physicist at the beginning of your career and looking for a networking platform?
MITP offers you the opportunity to organize a virtual workshop on a current research topic.
YOU are up to 4 fellow organizers and you have a topic: submit a short proposal and, if accepted, organize your own virtual workshop!
MITP assists you with the organization and advertises your event.
YOU fill the event’s website with life, prepare talks, invite interesting speakers and guests and chair the workshop.
MITP provides a Zoom platform and records and publishes the talks if you wish.
YOU are interested? Apply here or get more information by contacting Youngstars@mitp.uni-mainz.de.
How do I apply?
Please download our call for proposals template from our Indico page and send the completed form through our submission form with the contact data of the corresponding organizer.
Kindly note that proposals can only be considered when submitted in the template below.
Please remember to create a PDF file before uploading your proposal.
Contact us for the next round of call for proposals: Youngstars@mitp.uni-mainz.de